- TRACK YOUR STOLEN LAPTOP OR MOBILERecently my friend bought a new laptop ,but it was stolen within few days .The good thing is that we have successfully recovered stolen laptop as i had installed a tracing software on his laptop and he had no troubles finding it.This can happen to anyone which is using the laptop or cellphone and having a tracing software installed on his laptop .Here i am showing you a Free Laptop and cellphone tracing software calledPrey.It keep track of your phone or laptop at all times , and will help you find it if it ever gets lost or stolen.And it just worksHow it worksBasically you install a tiny agent in your PC or phone, which silently waits for a remote signal to wake up and work its magic.This signal is sent either from the Internet or through an SMS message, and allows you to gather information regarding the device's location, hardware and network status, and optionally trigger specific actions on it.
Notice: This file is Trojan as detected by some antivirus, but the thing is every such files are called trojan, as the process is to Track your system and view your systems reports. But be secure, this file is not harmful for your system or for your personal information. This software is made By PRey Project Company, and they take responsibility of it.How to Download and Install Prey1. First of all download Prey project file from their official website.www.Preyproject.com
2. After Downloading, Install the File and then
- They will ask for either standalone and +control panel.- Go for +control panel, and than Click For New User.- Give Your Name, Your Email and select Password to login the site.than press Ok.
- You will get Email from prey project, just activate your account there, and click your device and do the following settings:If you "ON" any of the above settings than be sure to remember password of "lock pass". It will show as the time you make it on. Just below the lock it will be written pass, and when alert is on the message will display whenever you login, "this laptop is stolen ...."-lol
So these were all steps now you can install and get secure. Now if its get stolen than you can track back .Do you have questions, comments, or suggestions? Feel free to post a comment!'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''
Deadly and Painful Hacks That You Should Never Try on Your PC
Grey Hats /shock :
Simply put, a white hat is a hacker that hacks for the good - they find vulnerabilities in websites and computers and make up a patch for it. These guys are the main types of hackers you should trust, they are the reason your website and computer in general are secured. White hat hackers can get jobs unlike other hackers, for example there is a user on HF that has been invited to a major company, Apple, to be an employee there to work on the security. They earn quite a lot of money actually, but a Black Hat & Grey Hat can earn equally the same amount of money as the White Hat does.
XSS stands for Cross Site Scripting. Basically it can be used anywhere in a site where there is an input box. What the attacker would do is type in a small script, such as ""><Script>alert("Hi")</script>". If it reloads and pops up with a box, saying "Hi", then it is vulnerable. This is used to capture cookies, for XSS Tunnelling and for others. /bye :
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